The Visible Thoughts Advent Calendar, Day 1

It is that time of year again, a time for reflection and anticipation. With that in mind I have decided to create a poetic advent calendar. It will have my favourite lines from poems published and unpublished. Those unpublished will hopefully make an appearance in some way soon. Also included are photos I’ve taken (I love my camera more than is healthy, but can you really love a camera too much?)

The first day is from a poem from August. It was the first poem in my latest notepad. Let’s take a moment to appreciate how joyous notepads are! I am in love with this one, it has everything, even a contents page! People with a good memory will recgonise this exercept from a Poets Corner performance probably in September.

They live on
A whisper on the breeze
An inscription carved
Into a tree
— Dave James Horn ©

Dave James Horn ©