Sowing Love

This is a poem I wrote a few years ago called Sowing Love, about the nuturing beauty of how we love and how that reveals itself. On a personal level it is very appropriate again, given my renewed obsession in growing plants and the forest of baby herbs this has created. When it comes down to it, caring for a seed really is a great allegory for love, and not just the romantic kind. Happy Valentines Day!

Love is filling the pot
Preparing the ground
Letting invigorating water flow
And allowing
The Sun's sweet light to glow

Love is willing growth to happen
Nuturing and caring
Time and energy sharing
Pruning, guiding
And supporting

Love is joy
Awe in development
Accepting change
In every phase
Love never decays

Love is planting the seed
Tasting the fruit
To create and build
The highest potential fulfilled

Love is all.

Dave James Horn ©

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About Dave James Horn

Based in Folkestone, Dave James Horn writes poetry to raise a smile and provoke a thought. He is part of Poet’s Corner Folkestone and an organiser of the Folkestone Language Exchange. Read his full bio here.